Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Recipe - Dutch Oven Potatoes

Knowing how many Dutch oven cooking experts are out there, I feel a bit inadequate presenting my very basic instructions for Dutch Oven Potatoes.  Given my current lack of  kitchen equipment (I may have mentioned this once or twice!) I've had to rely more than usual on methods of cooking familiar to our pioneer ancestors.  My potatoes require only a few basic ingredients and are simple to assemble, making them a perfect dish for feeding a large group.  Here's everything you need to fill up whatever sized pot you happen to own (or borrow).
Potatoes, bacon, onions, cheese, chicken broth, and salt and pepper.  That's it!  These are always a crowd pleaser. You can cook them inside in your oven or outside with a few pieces of hot charcoal.  See step by step instructions below.
 Dutch Oven Potatoes
Slice the potatoes as uniformly as possible.  If you have a food processor, it saves lots of time.  I like to use red potatoes so I don't have to peel them.
Do the same with the onions, making them as thin as you can.
I use whatever bacon is on sale, but if it's not very lean, I discard most of the fat, as it goes in raw and I don't want extra bacon fat in my potatoes.  Cut it into small pieces.  I use a pound of bacon for a large pot of potatoes.
Using vegetable oil or shortening, wipe down the whole pot, including the sides and inside of the lid.  Start layering the ingredients in the pot.  The first layer should be a few pieces of the bacon.
Next, a layer of onions. . .
Then some potatoes. . .
Every time you do a layer of potatoes, salt and pepper well.  I like to use coarse grind pepper.  Now do a layer of cheese.  If you have more cheese than you'll be using in the potatoes, don't reach your hands into the bowl after you have touched the bacon, or you will contaminate the cheese for later use.  It's best to plan to use it all if you touch it with your hand that has touched raw bacon, and the same with the onions and potato.
Now do the whole process over again.  Bacon next . . .
Onions again . . .
I know, you are probably saying, "Okay, okay, I get it already"-- but I want to show all my pictures!  More potatoes, salt and pepper, and cheese again.  We're almost to the top, so throw in the rest of the bacon, and any extra onions.  Remember to salt and pepper generously over each layer--it takes more than you might think, and you don't want them to be tasteless.
Finally, open your can of chicken broth, and carefully pour about half the can around the edges of the pot.  You don't want it right in the middle, or it will wash off all the salt and pepper on its way down.  Apparently it's important to do this in your bare feet . . .
Cook, covered, with oven temperature anywhere from 275 to 350, depending on if you want them to cook a long time (like all during church) or get done more quickly.  I generally do them about 325 for 2 hours or so.  When they're done, add a final layer of cheese, as most of your top layer will have melted down into the potatoes and you want them to be nice and cheesy for serving.
Ready for the oven!  If you have questions regarding how to cook them outside using charcoal, a helpful guide can be found HERE.

1 comment :

  1. It’s really great information for becoming a better Blogger. Keep sharing, Thanks.
