Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Recipe - Breakfast Pizza

I'm always on the lookout for new, uncomplicated recipes to break the monotony of having the same meals over and over.  With only three of us now, we often turn to breakfast foods for dinner---waffles, pancakes, scrambled eggs, etc.  Easy, quick, but a little boring.  Lately I've been seeing recipes for Breakfast Pizza springing up everywhere, and the photos make it look so delicious I decided to try creating my own version.  It seems this dish can be almost anything you want it to be and is a great way to use up leftover ingredients--from that half of a green pepper or purple onion in your produce drawer to odds and ends of cheese and a partially used package of bacon.  After all, who doesn't like pizza?  I tried one for the first time last night, and somehow a can of crescent rolls and some tater tots (plus a few other little tricks up my sleeve) transformed into a fun, creative meal we all enjoyed.

See my Tip of the Week post below to learn how you and your family can become more self-sufficient by raising your own chickens for Eggs.  To read about our experience, go HERE.

Breakfast Pizza

1 can Crescent Rolls  

Hollandaise Sauce Packet, made according to pkg directions
Frozen Tater Tots 
Fresh Spinach 
Green Onions
Tomato, seeded
6 Large Eggs
6 to 8 Slices Bacon, cooked
Shredded Cheese  
Cilantro or Chives to garnish—if desired

First get your ingredients ready:

1.  Wash, slice, and dice onions, tomatoes, and cilantro.

2.  Cook bacon (I like to cook it on a cookie sheet in a 400 degree oven for about 15 minutes).  This can be done early in the day and refrigerated.  Even thought you don't need this much, cook a whole package and freeze the rest for other uses.

Try cutting the cooked bacon into pieces with scissors--it only takes a minute.

3.  Make up Hollandaise Sauce according to package directions, including the teaspoon of lemon juice called for.  Keep in fridge until ready to use.

4.  Open crescent rolls and lay the triangles out on a pizza pan.  Press to stretch and seal edges together to form a crust.

5.  Bake at 375 degrees for about 5 minutes to firm it up a bit.  Take it out and let it cool a bit.

Get the Tater Tots ready after you take the crust out. Turn oven up to 425 degrees and cook about a third of a bag according to package directions, taking them out of oven before they are fully cooked, as they will finish cooking when you add them to the pizza.  Then turn the oven back down to 375 so it will be ready to cook the pizza.

6.  Remove from oven and spread on Hollandaise sauce.  You will not use the whole amount.
7.  Lay spinach leaves over sauce.

8.  Sprinkle on desired amount of grated cheese and circle the outside edge with cooked Tater Tots.

9.  Add onions, tomatoes, and bacon.

10.  Crack eggs one at a time into a small bowl and carefully pour at intervals onto the pizza.  Salt and pepper the eggs.

11.  Place in a 375 to 400 degree oven and bake until eggs are desired doneness.  When the whites look set up, the yolks are probably done as well.  Watch carefully so it doesn't overcook.  This takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

12.  Remove from oven and sprinkle with minced cilantro or chives. Serve immediately.

Remember to scroll down to read my "Tip of the Week" about our family's experience with raising our own chickens.

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